
Public information about our Staffordshire Water System: Click below: Perhaps, I misunderstood, but according to K.B.’s recollection of this incident during our most recent SHOA/SWS board/members meeting, she said she did not know about the boil water alert until two hours after she used the All Call system to ask residents to run their water to remove any air in the pipes. I […]

Public information about our Staffordshire Water System: Click below: Read More »

Pesticide Incident Update

I got a follow-up letter from Oregon Department of Agriculture the other day. According to this letter, a “follow-up use investigation has ben initiated by the Department, ODA Case No. 240030.” The full letter can be viewed here: a related matter, as I understand it, one of our fellow SHOA members is going to

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Pesticide Program

March 27, 2024: Update on this pesticide investigation: The Staffordshire Homeowners Association has received a letter stating that our HOA had a Crossbow pesticide incident on June 5, 2023, and reprimanding the HOA. During the Crossbow incident investigation last summer, some people involved tried vainly to convince the Oregon Pesticide Investigator, Tash Wilson, that the

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Oregon expands free health insurance

Oregon expands free health insurance to all residents regardless of immigration status Healthier Oregon

Oregon expands free health insurance Read More »